Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

For the beauty of the Earth - Buku Partitur

Buku for the beauty of the Earth, berisi 10 lagu untuk paduan suara anak, not angka dilengkapi dengan part iringan. Berisi antara lain :
  1. All things Bright and beautiful - John Rutter
  2. Bring us peace - Linda Spevacek
  3. Cantate - Mary Lynn Lightfoot
  4. For the Beauty of the Earth - John Rutter
  5. Gloria Tibi Domine - Ruth Elaine schram
  6. Lux Aeterna - Christi Jones
  7. Make me a channel of Your peace - Tom Fettke
  8. Ubi Caritas - Victor C. Johnson
  9. Make a Joyful Noise - Mark Burrows
  10. Ave Maria - Bach/Gounoud/Arr. David Angerman

The Colors of Christmas

Buku the Colors of christmas berisi 9 lagu natal untuk paduan suara anak. Not angka, dilengkapi dengan partitur iringan. Berisi lagu-lagu antara lain :
  1. The color of christmas - John Rutter
  2. Ding Dong merrily on high - Ruth Morris Gray
  3. He is born the divine christ child - John leavitt
  4. The Bells christmas medley - greg gilpin
  5. A midnight clear in Bethlehem - Greg Gilpin
  6. O Nata Lux - Patti Drennan
  7. Angels' Carol - John rutter
  8. Merry christmas, Merry Christmas - Tom Fettke
  9. A Still silent Night - Sally K. ALbrecht

Sing a New Song

Buku Sing a new song berisi 10 lagu untuk paduan suara anak, dilengkapi dengan partitur iringan. Judul-judul yang terdapat di dalam buku ini antara lain.
  1. Sing a new Song - Sally K. Albrecht.
  2. Cantate Domino - Greg Gilpin
  3. On Eagle's Wings - Michael Joncas arr. Mark Hayes
  4. Alleluia, I will Sing - David Wagonner
  5. The Lord Bless you and Keep you - John Rutter
  6. Cantate Exsultate - David Wagonner
  7. Domine Deus - Sally K. Albrecht
  8. A Clare Benediction - John Rutter
  9. Kyrie Canon - Andy Beck.
  10. Laudate Dominum - Cristy Carry Miller
Harga buku Rp. 100rb, tebal: 104 halaman.

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